Oh baby boy, I miss you so much.
I Love you puppy dog.
Oh baby boy, I miss you so much.
I Love you puppy dog.
I’ve been wanting to type this entry for a couple of weeks. For one reason or another I kept putting it off. But here goes and hopefully I won’t be all over the place with this post.
2 weeks ago. I was on the train headed home. The train all of the sudden shook a little, then slowly came to a stop. I, like everybody else was wondering what was going on. I looked out the window and it was dark and not close the it’s usually stop after it leaves my station. The conductor quickly made the announcement that it had been confirmed that the train hit a car.
A couple of firefighters came on board to make sure everybody was okay.
A little while later a police officer came on board. He said there was a fatality and that this was now a crime scene. He said there would be officers coming on board to take down our information. He told us what they were going to ask and to please make sure to have our info ready. I quickly typed up my information in a note. I told people around me to do the same. There were hundreds of people on the train and I just wanted to make it easier for the officers.
The conductor kept updating us. Told us, He was working with the police and firefighters to figure out the safest and easiest way to get us off the train. He said they were also going to send buses to pick us up. We had the option to take a bus, call somebody to pick us up or Metrolink would give us an Uber voucher.
A couple of hours later. The conductor told us they found the safest ways to get us off the train. We all walked towards the front of the train. This is where to me, it turned into what seemed like the scene of a movie.
We walked towards the front of the train. There were police officers holding doors for us to walk from car to car. Thanking us for our patience. Wishing us a good night.
We got to the front of the train. There were firefighters there to help us. Not one of two of them. There must have been 10-15. They formed a tunnel and held our arms as we stepped off the train onto a stool and then on to rocks. They took of their uniform jackets and laid them on the rocks for us to walk on. We walked a few feet to a fence they had cut for us to go through, to get to a parking lot. I thanked a many of them as I could. They were so patient with us. And they made sure we were all taken care of.
This is where it got emotional for me. As I was walking in the parking lot, I looked over to where the car was. Somebody in that car died due to being struck by the train I was on. I am not directly responsible, but it still very hard to think about.
The sister told me this week that person killed was a 61 year old man and that his doggie was in the car with him. The doggie was taken to a local Vet. He got a few scratches but other than that he I okay.
It took me a couple of week to get this post together. Because every few sentences I’m a crying mess. Hug your humans and hug your doggies.
Thanks for reading <3
Cheers to an amazing 2020!!!
Just. Quick post to day hello. Not that anybody reads this lol. But I know my Danigirl does and well I promised her a post about Billy, a coworker from my first job. That’s coming Danigirl, I promise<3
For now, I leave you with this Love letter from Mother Earth.
Was taking to my Danigirl the other day about when I used to work at BlockBuster Video. I don’t even know how that came up. I’m glad it did, because it reminded me of some of the best time I had. It reminded me about Billy.
I’ll have to tell you about Billy another day. But check out my awesome shoes<3