Tag Archives: fedex

Thank you Thursday…

The rain in Southern California has been out of control. We need it and I’m happy to see more green as the days have gone by this week. So thank you Mother Earth for beautifying our planet a little more.

Today I want to thank the United States post office. Especially our mail carrier of 30 years Gus. In another post I will go into detail why Gus is so special and important to us. Thanks Gus for bringing us our mail the past few days in the horrible California rain.

Thank you also to all the UPS and Fedex drivers delivering packages. Thanks to Amazon as well. With all this rain and minor floods, you’ve managed to make sure we receive our packages in time.

Huge thanks to companies like Door Dash, Postmates, GrubHub for delivering our food when we are too chicken to drive in the rain or too afraid to get wet.

Uber and Lyft drivers. THANK YOU.

You all are appreciated more than we ever tell you.
